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Special OpportunitY!


NLP Practitioner Certificated Training


Learn practical life-changing skills that will benefit yourself and others who you choose to help.  Complete meaningful training with a certified NLP Trainer and achieve a series of widely recognised NLP qualifications.



  1. NLP Practitioner 

  2. NLP Coaching 

  3. Timeline Therapy

  4. Hypnotherapy



  • Advanced Observation Skills - useful in sales, coaching, therapy, leadership, management and personal/workplace relationships.

  • Advanced Rapport Building Skills

  • Advanced Communication Skills 

  • Motivation, Decision-Making and Influencing Strategies

  • Controlling your Physiological and Emotional State

  • Releasing Negative Emotions, eg anger, sadness, fear, hurt and guilt

  • Letting go of Limiting Beliefs

  • Managing Anxiety 

  • Coaching Skills

  • Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy



Pre-course Study Material - 20 CDs, Manuals and Audio-Sets

7 days Practical Training - advice, guidance and support from a certified NLP Trainer and Master Coach

Practical work on Real-Life Issues

Post-course Review of Study Material

Complimentary Ongoing Mentoring Support





Date and Location

12th - 19th January 2025. Camborne, Cornwall


What other training do you offer?

I deliver bespoke training courses and workshops that support people's development at all levels and across a wide range of topics. The content and structure of my training events is customised through discussions with each business client and tailored to meet their specific requirements.


I always ensure that my training courses are practical and interactive - balancing the content to include both theory and practice. Depending upon the subject matter, I teach a range of proven and widely recognised principles combined with inclusive, open discussions to engage with the audience, develop critical thinking and identify solutions for the workplace/ personal performance. 


I regularly receive very strong feedback from my training and personal development events, confirming that I am skilled at generating interest, engagement and strong learning outcomes.


What would a training course typically involve?

The main features of my training delivery and portfolio of work are outlined below.

Please contact me for a no-obligation conversation about your needs and how I can best meet them.


Features include:


  • Bespoke content to meet your needs

  • Flexible timing, location and group size

  • Practical, interactive, thought-provoking and effective

  • Value for money

What training topics have you covered previously?

I've delivered training content across a wide variety of topics, including:


  • 'The Best Me' mental wellbeing programme

  • 'Achieving Excellence' leadership coaching programme

  • Key Attributes of Successful Leaders

  • Leadership: People, Planning & Performance 

  • Personal Resilience

  • Coaching and Mentoring Skills for Managers

  • Understanding Leadership

  • Positive Mental Health & Wellbeing in the Workplace

  • Understanding Performance Management

  • Developing Positive Working Relationships

  • Managing Difficult Conversations

  • Building High Performing Teams

  • Assertiveness for Managers

  • Reinforcing Boundaries in the Workplace

  • Managing Conflict within a Team

  • Developing Key Management Skills

  • Win-Win Communication

  • Interview Skills

  • Public Speaking and Presentation Skills


The Best Me

A new mental wellbeing leadership programme that has been designed to address important aspects of mental health & wellbeing for leaders at supervisory and middle management levels. Creating benefits for individuals, the teams they lead and the whole organisation. 


Comprised of 3 x 90 minute practical, interactive workshops that can be delivered remotely or in person. Including important take-away reference documents such as newly developed Anxiety Management and Time Management Toolkits.


Help your employees to be calm, controlled, positive and assertive in the workplace. Leading to a happy, healthier workforce who will make a strong contribution to a high-performing business. Contact me for more details and a no-obligation conversation. 

PHONE                                                                                                          LOCATION

07856571163                                                                                               Falmouth, Cornwall, UK

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